Optimizing and expanding the life of the battery for more time span is not such an easy thing. Many laptop`s shut down due to the low battery backup problem, even buyers are going for buying the more battery backup laptop`s to make their work done.
Tips To Boost Your Laptop`s Battery Life
Optimizing and expanding the life of the battery for more time span is not such an easy thing. Many laptop`s shut down due to the low battery backup problem, even buyers are going for buying the more battery backup laptop`s to make their work done. Does your laptop need a recharge after doing a small work?

Things to boost up your laptop`s battery life for the long span of time:

Buy a Smart Device

Never go with the cheap price always try to buy the best performance, low voltage consumption Laptop.

Dim your Screen

Many of the laptop`s have high brightness and contrast by default, we have to make them little dim but make sure that you can view it properly.

Shutting down programs

End programs and process which are running at the background unnecessarily. This affects your CPU to consume more battery.

Attach more RAM

This help in increasing the performance of the Laptop which can run the programs smoothly and increase the data transfer rate.

Remove Accessories

Always remove externally connected accessories like USB, internet cable, and headphones when you are not using them. See that attaching devices for more elapse of time may also affect them.

Disable Apps

Always disable the apps like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth whenever not in use.


Defrag your Laptop hard disk drive (HDD) regularly which will help in decreasing the hard disk drive access to save your time.

Charge your Battery

Charge your battery till it becomes full or better to unplug the connection when it reach 99%. Plug-in the power connection when in use, this will help you to store the data if the battery gets down suddenly.

Volume Level

Turn the volume level down or use the headphones which consume less power.

Use Hibernate not Standby

Whenever you go out use hibernates which saves some power, whereas standby will not shut your PC down it but will help you to do the work which you left before and also consumes power as regular.

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