Google is a one among all of the search engines which always works for user security. Now the Google online security team has initiated a step forward to block all the deceptive download buttons.
Google Online Security To Block Deceptive Download Buttons
Google is a one among all of the search engines which always works for user security. Now the Google online security team has initiated a step forward to block all the deceptive download buttons.

These annoying download buttons will try to trick you into installing unwanted software and may grab your personal information. The personal information may include a phone number, email id, password and much more. The deceptive buttons look similar to download buttons but they are ads with images and sometimes may claim that your PC is out of date.

Google has made an announced in November, as per the social engineering policy embedded content like ads is considered as social engineering ads which pretend to act like a trusted entity. Few examples that we can encounter on the web page while browsing the internet
  • Images showing system out of date.
  • The Software update is required.
  • Install FLV HD to continue for watching movies anywhere.
  • Download and Play buttons side by side.
These deceptive buttons will produce the content similar to the web pages by mimicking the website look and feel. Google is trying its best to improve the Google's Safe Browsing protection to help more people to stay safe online.

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