Yahoo Mail is ready to access your Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail and AOL accounts from the mailbox. Users can read or move the messages to the respective account found to be a great advancement feature.
Yahoo Mail Add Gmail And Google Apps To Stop User Redirection
Yahoo Mail is ready to access your Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail and AOL accounts from the mailbox. Users can read or move the messages to the respective account found to be a great advancement feature.

When a user wants to compose a mail he can send through any of the connected accounts even though using Yahoo mail. Access of Gmail from Yahoo mailbox is now available globally on Yahoo app and browser. A user can sign in to Gmail and other accounts to get access for using and password free sign in.

How to add another mailbox to Yahoo mailbox:

  1. Go to Yahoo settings and click on the accounts tab. 
  2. Then add the another mailbox to select the list of providers and 
  3. Give the credentials to access without password on every time you log in. 
Yahoo mail has an account key feature which makes you connect Gmail account easily and password free. A user can now easily add photos and videos using the mail app. In addition, a search box also added to search not only mail but also to search photos and files from all the connected accounts.

Smart contacts feature was powered by Xobni technology to a compose message based your habits. The contact cards will be displayed the information related to an email address, social media accounts and phone numbers. The advanced search box will help you to search all the mail from day one to till date for all the connected accounts even.

Yahoo has also announced the new features for mail app on iOS and Android smartphones.

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