Li-Fi is going to be the best substitute for Wi-Fi, which is known to be as Light Fidelity and referred to be visible light communications(VLC) technology that can deliver 100 times faster data transfer than the current speed.
Li-Fi Technology Is Going To Be 100 Times Faster Than Wi-Fi
Li-Fi is going to be the best substitute for Wi-Fi, which is known to be as Light Fidelity and referred to be visible light communications(VLC) technology that can deliver 100 times faster data transfer than the current speed. The new technology can transfer the data using the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

As the term, Li-Fi was first demonstrated by Harald Haas at TED from the University of Edinburg in the year of 2011. The video of demonstration now has been reached to more than 2 millions of views which he has showed an LED with lamp streaming video.

VLC transmits the data by modulating the light which is received by the photo-sensitive detector and then the light is demodulated into electronic form. Scientists reported that this process is done in such a way that it is not visible to human eyes.

The lab tests have been performed to the new Li-Fi technology to achieve speed up to 224 Gbps. The practical data transfer speed is expected to be 1 Mbps that is nothing but a full movie can be downloaded in seconds.

Deepak Solanki, CEO of Estonian Tech Company Velmenni said
This new technology is going to come soon by next three to four years. The company is doing the pilot project with a private client to set up a Li-Fi network for testing purpose in a small office space.
The company claimed that Li-Fi is going to replace entirely Wi-Fi, but both the technologies can be used in order to create safer and faster networks. The scientists are also working to make the current devices into Li-Fi compatible without any wireless data loss.

Features of Li-Fi include energy efficiency, benefits to the capacity, safety and secure wireless system which comes with a low cost to the customers.

This technology is going to bring an incredible impact on the customers to move on for this. But there are few disadvantages and drawbacks that it cannot interfere with other radio signals and cannot be deployed outdoors in direct sunlight.

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